BRI Tetramer Core Laboratory

The Tetramer Core Lab provides MHC class II tetramer reagents for research collaborators.

In order to place an order, the principal scientist (or his/her delegate) must first complete a Customer Account form via the Sign Up link and submit an MTA. Once the MTA has been approved, the customer will then be able to place an order (BRI employees do not require an MTA). Primary users can also create subuser accounts for others in their research program.

Pricing will appear after the order is placed. If you require costs beforehand, please request a quote.

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The Tetramer Core Lab at BRI

Tetramers are synthetic protein conjugates that allow the direct detection of antigen specific T cells by flow cytometry. Tetramers produced in our facility have been used to detect CD4+ (helper) T cells and have facilitated the study of viral immunity, autoimmune diseases, allergic responses and cancer. More






Bill Kwok, PhD
Director, Tetramer Lab Core at
Benaroya Research Institue